In it's third installment, the Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007), we like to see if Jack Sparrow survives from the previous film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006).
Purportedly the last of the series, this pushes the envelope much farther than its predecessors. Lasting well under 3 hours, this one really takes the cake.
Jack Sparrow was trapped in Davey Jone's world and it is up to the other leads to break him out of it to defeat Lord Beckett's reign of the high seas. Their journey starts with them breaking out Jack with the help of Captain Sao Feng (played by Chow Yun Fat) a colorful character that leads well into the film. With a lot of twists and turns, agreements and alliances made and changed, these are the things that make this movie entertaining.
To get back at Lord Beckett, they need to gather all the pirate captains and with their pieces of eights. Along the way to the pirates cove, Elizabeth becomes a caption upon the death of Sao Feng (sad to see Chow Yun Fat go), with lots of comedy of errors, finally becomes the pirate king, courtesy of Jack Sparrow's vote. She leads the pirates to a duel with Lord Beckett using Calypso to defeat Davey Jones. The long build up for the release of Calypso came to a naught as she merely disappears in a pile of crabs and left the pirates tackling the Beckett navy with Davey Jones.
Cunningly with the help of Jack Sparrow, their band of pirate crew uses their wits to finally defeat the great Davey Jones with some sacrifices on their part. The whole 3 hours was well worth the long seating and kudos to the Director for making it so. There are lot of sea battles here much to our delight.
I would love to discuss further some details of the film, but it's better to leave it at that. It would be a disservice, if you won't watch this one.
Two thumbs up for the great film.